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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Lowongan Kerja Tax Accounting Staff

Lowongan Kerja Tax Accounting Staff
PT Aditec Cakrawiyasa


Location: Jakarta
Tax Accounting Staff

Male and not more than 28 years old
Candidate must possess at least a Associate Degree or Bachelor's Degree in Finance/Accountancy/Banking or equivalent.
(Fresh graduate, Economic Basic, understanding Tax & Accounting is preferable)
Experience min > 2 years (s1) or min > 4 years (D3)
Preferably Senior Staffs specializing in Finance - General/Cost Accounting or equivalent. Job role in Financial & Reporting Accounting or equivalent.
Full-Time positions available.
Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
Send application to:

Graha Quantum
Komp. Perkantoran Kebon Jeruk baru Blok B no.7
Jl. Arjuna Selatan Kebon Jeruk, Jakbar 11530
Phone 53668411 ext. 122 (HRD)

or email to personalia@quantum-homeappliances.com

Applications received less than 2 weeks after this advertising launch.
Informasi Otomotive :

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    R.Design: Charm Skins