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Friday, December 26, 2008

Lowongan Kerja Boutique Manager

Lowongan Kerja Boutique Manager


Location: Jakarta

There's nobody quite like you.
You know and love Juicy Couture. You're fun. So Outgoing. And with that passion for your work, your customer spirit just shines. We welcome you to join us and find out more about opportunities now available at our new store.
Boutique Manager
Our ideal candidates must possess 5+ years' proven sales experience with minimum 3 years experience at management level in an upscale/luxury retail environment. Clienteling experience is a major plus. Candidates will also have excellent communication skills with all levels, fluent in English, an outgoing and fun personality, and love being part of a dedicated, reliable team.

Please write in your full resume in MS Word format giving current and expected salary,
contact number and a recent photograph to: jcrecruit@lcjgd.com
(We regret that only short-listed candidates will be notified)

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R.Design: Charm Skins