lowongan kerja
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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Lowongan Kerja Water Treatment Operator

Lowongan Kerja Water Treatment Operator
American Red Cross (Banda Aceh)


Location: Aceh
Water Treatment Operator

Performance basic maintenance of mechanical water pumps.
Perform operations of mechanical water pumps, this will include starting and stopping the pumps as appropriate; check oil and fuel levels before starting the pumps and filling the as necessary.
Ensure that the pumps are working properly and water reservoirs are always filled.
Report any mechanical problems immediately to the office compound manager/ Urban Watsan Engineer.
Ensure that the water pumps are kept clean at all times.
Fill in and maintain an up to date pump fuel consumption sheet/log.
Fill in and maintain up to date pump operation hour's sheet.
Do the preparation of chemical use in water treatment plant and coordination with Urban Watsan Engineer.
Performs routine check to the water pipes used at the water treatment site and reports immediately any damage to the Office/Compound manager/Urban Watsan Engineer.
Ensure that no vehicles runs over the pipe used at the water treatment site.
Pumping water to the tank and other vehicles collecting water from the treatment facility.
Responsible for the security of all ARC asset and materials at the water treatment site.
Maintains the compound and surrounding of the water treatment site clean and tidy.
Ensure that there are open drains to clear all logged water at the water treatment site.
Clean the water tanks whenever request by the Office/Compound manager /Urban Watsan Engineer.
Keep awake at all times when on duty.
Assist with any other duties as required by Office/Compound Manager/Urban Watsan Engineer.

Please submit your application and curriculum vitae to hr@amredcross.org put Job title in Subject line.
Only applications in English and short listed candidates will be notified. Applications submitted after December 24, 2008 will not be considered.

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Iklan Baris Lowongan
** Untuk Pemberi Kerja
Anda butuh karyawan
Pasang Iklan
buat iklan aja free
Pusat Info Batu Bara
Iklan Baris Lowongan
Komunitas Calon Pegawai


R.Design: Charm Skins