lowongan kerja
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Ketik Permintaan dan Persyaratan
yang anda inginkan Kepada Kami
Langsung ketik di Iklan Baris Lowongan
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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Lowongan Kerja Public Relation

Lowongan Kerja Public Relation Consultant
PT Gilang Adiperdana

Location: Jakarta
Public Relation Consultant

Female, Age min. 26 years old
Minimum Bachelor Degree
Good Looking
Min. 3 years experience in the field
Strong analytical & reasoning skill (especially in Economic field)
Have an experience in journalist is preferred
Well educated and have presentation skill with high written and verbal communication both Indonesia and English
Familiar with computer literate
Responsible & highly motivated
Able to start work immediately
Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.

Candidate who meet the above requirements, please send your applications Letter, CV and other relevant documents with recent photographs to:

Jl. Cempaka Putih Barat III / 3 B

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Topic Relation Topic Relation

Iklan Baris Lowongan
** Untuk Pemberi Kerja
Anda butuh karyawan
Pasang Iklan
buat iklan aja free
Pusat Info Batu Bara
Iklan Baris Lowongan
Komunitas Calon Pegawai


R.Design: Charm Skins