lowongan kerja
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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Lowongan Kerja Civil Engineer

Lowongan Kerja CIVIL STRUCTURE ENGINEER (21179-02)
PT. MBP Skill Indonesia


Location: Jakarta

S1 Degree in Civil Engineering
Having min 5 years experience in civil work construction, experience in structure bridge (concrete) project are preferably
Having experience in Pres stress
Having experience being site engineer/ Inspector/ QA/QC
Having experience pondasi tiang pancang and bored pile
Understanding computer literal

An attractive remuneration package commensurating with experience
will be offered to the successful candidate.

Your application will be treated confidentially and only shorted
listed candidates will be followed up. Please send your comprehensive
CV and recent photo to resumes@mbp-skill.com and quote the above
listed reference number of position.

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Iklan Baris Lowongan
** Untuk Pemberi Kerja
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Pusat Info Batu Bara
Iklan Baris Lowongan
Komunitas Calon Pegawai


R.Design: Charm Skins