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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Job As Cashier And Finance

Lowongan Kerja Accounting Staff
PT Agung Raya


Location: Jakarta
Accounting Staff (Acc-staff)

     Male, Maximum age 30 years old
     DIII/ S1 Degree Majoring in Accounting
     Have a good communication and Negotiation skill, team work, initiative, hardworking
     Self Motivated and able to work under pressure
     Good computer skill in Ms Office and Accounting proggramme
     Possess a strong analythical skill

Should you meet all the above qualifications, you are welcome to submit your complete CV and recent photograph, no later than 2 weeks to :

agit@agungraya.co.id or rudy_l@agungraya.co.id

Don't forget to put the position code that you want to reach as an E-mail Subject

Only short-listed candidates will be notified.

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R.Design: Charm Skins